13 Most Common Dachshund Personality Traits (2024)

Dachshunds are spunky, lively little dogs, but don’t be fooled – this hunting breed is also chock full of prey drive, sass, and a few other traits that you may not be familiar with.

While there are different coat types of Dachshund (wired, smooth, long haired), and they do vary slightly in personality sometimes, Dachshunds mostly share the same general personality traits.

The common characteristics we discuss in this article are the same for both Miniature and Standard Dachshunds.

Top 13 Personality Traits of Dachshunds

There are many personality traits that make Doxies special.

Some are commonly viewed as negative personality traits of the Dachshund breed, some are positive or negative based on a person’s ability, perception, and expectations, and some are seen as positive traits that make the breed so endearing.

Below are 13 of the most common Dachshund personality traits, listed in no particular order.

1) Dachshunds Can Be Needy

Dachshunds can be super needy, leading to separation anxiety and other behavioral obstacles.

They are known to be “shadow dogs” because of their desire to follow humans around the house and into the bathroom.

If you don’t want standing by you and moving around your feet constantly, a Dachshund may not be for you.On the other hand, if you want constant company and attention, they might be your perfect match.

2) Dachshunds Are Loyal

Since Dachshunds are known shadow dogs, this also means that they are loyal beyond belief. It’s is one of the most desirable traits of a Dachshund.

Dachshunds often bond with a specific family member in the house, and become their number one loyal companion.

If you want a buddy who will constantly be by your side and protect you against perceived threats, look no further than the Dachshund!

3) Dachshunds Are Affectionate

With loyalty and neediness comes an affectionate personality.

Dachshunds are very affectionate and love to cuddle. If you sit down, and there is room, they will lay down beside you. If there is no room beside you, they will probably want on your lap.

Your Dachshund will likely want to be touching a person as often as they can, especially the one they are most attached to in the household.

Although not all owners allow it, most Dachshunds will choose to sleep in your bed with you if they can.

They just want to be close to, and touching you, whenever they can

4) Dachshunds Like to Burrow

Dachshunds love to burrow under blankets to create their own little cozy forts.

You’ll notice this especially in the winter, when your Doxie will make a comfortable little body warmer.

Both of you will benefit from this Dachshund personality trait because burrowing helps your dog to stay warm and safe-feeling and you will likely find it cute.

5) Dachshunds Are Tenacious

Dachshunds don’t like to give up, They were bred to solve problems on their own so that means “if there is a will, there is a way” is engrained into the psyche.

Other words for tenacious, with a more negative connotation, is relentless.

Some owners even describe their Dachshund as stuboorn, which is a misnomer because dog’s don’t feel human emotions like that.

If a Dachshund wants something, they will try and try until they get it…. or pester you over and over hoping that you will give in.

If they want to do something different than you ask, they may chose that instead.

These traits have given Dachshunds the reputation that they are difficult or impossible to train.

However, these independent thinkers are super smart so Dachshunds can be trained.

It’s true though that it can take plenty of repetition and patience.

6) Dachshunds Bark A Lot

This breed is one of the most vocal. They tend to bark at other dogs, fellow animals, and even strangers walking by.

If you just got a Dachshund puppy, don’t be fooled. It often takes 6 or 6 or 7 months for a Dachshund to vind their voice. But once they discover their bark, watch out!

This personality trait makes sense – they were bred to alert hunters to vermin like badgers and rabbits. Dachshunds are likely to bark every time they hear (even if you don’t) or see something that doesn’t seem right to them.

The tendency to bark loudly ever time they perceive danger means that they make great watchdogs. It also means that you could get complaints from your neighbor or landlord.

Dachshunds can be trained to bark less, but it takes time and can be incredibly challenging to take on.

7) Dachshunds Have a High Prey Drive

Since Dachshunds were bred to hunt rodents and other small game, they have a strong prey drive.

Basically, if it moves quickly, a Dachshund will likely see it as prey and want to chase it.

New Doxie owners may not realize how committed Dachshunds are to hunting until they go after the neighbor’s cat or backyard squirrel.

Prey drive can also affect a Dachshund’s ability to be comfortable with small children as they often move quickly and erratically but many Dachshunds learn to live harmoniously with children.

8) Dachshunds Can Be Difficult to Potty Train

Dachshunds are notoriously challenging to potty train so use these potty training tips to start off on the right foot.

With the right techniques, and consistency from you, a Dachshund isn’t that hard to potty train, although they do typically take longer to potty train than some other breeds.

And remember that Dachshunds are low to the ground, which can even cause them to avoid going outside to potty while it’s raining. Wet bellies can be tough for Doxies (at least in their minds)!

9) Dachshunds Are Lively and Playful

Dachshunds are energetic and need plentiful exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

It’s a common misconception that Dachshunds are lazy due to their small stature. But this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Dachshunds need an abundance of mental and physical stimulation to keep them from digging, barking excessively, and otherwise becoming higher maintenance.

10) Dachshunds Love to Sleep In Your Bed

As mentioned above, since Dachshunds enjoy burrowing under the covers, expect that your Doxie will be the first in line to jump in bed with you.

Tired of sleeping alone? You’ll never be alone again with a Dachshund in your life.

If you do prefer to never be woken at night, or share your bed with your partner solo, you can train your Dachshund to sleep in their own bed beside you or in a dog crate.

11) Dachshunds Have BIG Personalities

Dachshunds often think they are bigger and tougher than they are.

They have a big bark that can sound aggressive or mean, even if it isn’t.

Your Doxie may also try to take on bigger dogs or threatening humans while out for a stroll.

12) Dachshunds Are Clever and Intelligent

Oh boy, Dachshunds sure are smart! This is also something we touched on in the training section above.

This breed is clever enough to manipulate you with those big eyes, or outsmart you when they want something.

You will quickly find the Dachshunds eyes are very powerful tools. They can make you feel guilty with one glance and are very hard to say no to.

Dachshunds will even beg for scraps until you give in or they drive you crazy. Or both!

Puzzle feeders and other enrichment items can help maintain your Dachshund’s mental stability.

13) Dachshunds Love to Dig

Dachshunds were bred to dig into holes in order to catch the prey they are after. Because of this, many Doxies will dig holes in the yard or other places.

This means they may dig under a fence in a corner of the yard you can’t see to escape. Or they may dig up that beautiful rose bush you just planted.

You can discourage a Dachshund from digging, but it can be a challenge if they have already learned to love it.

It’s best to start discouraging it as soon as you see interest from your Dachshund by gently telling them no and redirecting them to something fun like a snuffle mat or toy.

Final Thoughts On the Dachshund Temperament

A Dachshund’s temperament overall is endearing yet feisty and playful.

Dachshund’s are highly adaptable to a variety of situations, as long as they have the support they need from their owners.

But one thing is for sure – Dachshunds are a whole ton of personality put into a tiny stature.

They are active and require daily long walks.

This curious breed is alert and will have no problems letting you know if there is a perceived threat!

Their barking and prey drive are commonly frustrating for new Dachshund owners, but if you know what you’re getting yourself into, you can be prepared for all possible scenarios.

Once someone becomes a Dachshund owner, they often become obsessed with the breed.

However, the Dachshund’s personality traits don’t work for everyone and all lifestyles. Please educate your self about the breed, and be honest about what dog personality would suit you best, before choosing to get a Dachshund.

13 Most Common Dachshund Personality Traits (1)
13 Most Common Dachshund Personality Traits (2)
13 Most Common Dachshund Personality Traits (2024)


13 Most Common Dachshund Personality Traits? ›

They are more likely to suffer from Noise/Thunderstorm Fear. They are more likely to be nervous and fearful of people (but only 1 in 10 is aggressive with people, at least sometimes) They are less likely to be destructive.

What are the behavioral problems with Dachshunds? ›

They are more likely to suffer from Noise/Thunderstorm Fear. They are more likely to be nervous and fearful of people (but only 1 in 10 is aggressive with people, at least sometimes) They are less likely to be destructive.

What are the special traits of a Dachshund? ›

Smart and vigilant, with a big-dog bark, they make fine watchdogs. Bred to be an independent hunter of dangerous prey, they can be brave to the point of rashness, and a bit stubborn, but their endearing nature and unique look has won millions of hearts the world over.

What do Dachshunds love the most? ›

In fact, the Doxie loves to run! Dachshunds also enjoy digging (remember the big paws!), so play that incorporates his need to dig is excellent for the Dachshund! Always remember that the Doxie likes to be the center of attention, and they crave praise for a job well done!

Which Dachshund has the best temperament? ›

Many believe that longhaired dachshunds resulted from breeding smooth dachshunds with co*cker spaniels. This makes sense, given that co*cker spaniels are known for their sweet, affectionate personalities, and longhaired dachshunds, too, are often described as the gentlest and most cuddly of the three dachshund types.

Do Dachshunds have a bad temperament? ›

Dachshunds are generally even-tempered and affectionate, which combined with their smaller size makes them an ideal companion for children. However, they can be vocal and snappy if play gets too boisterous so they're usually better suited to slightly older children.

Do Dachshunds get attached to one person? ›

Dachshunds are lively, playful, and clever. They have a reputation for being on the stubborn side, too. Fiercely loyal, this popular breed often bonds very closely with just one person and can get jealous easily and become lonely if not given enough attention by the object of their affection.

How do Dachshunds show affection? ›

Doxies' loyalty to their owners is one of the most lovable things about the breed, so it makes sense that they'd want to show you just how much they love you by covering you in kisses! Historically, dachshunds also use licking as a sign of submission to their pack leader.

Do Dachshunds like to cuddle? ›

Do Dachshunds like to cuddle? Loyal to their owners, Dachshunds love to snuggle up to their owners. They are also very protective of their owners, so don't be surprised if they end up following you around the house.

What calms Dachshunds? ›

Exercise And Playtime Are Important

In addition to burning off excess energy, regular exercise releases endorphins, which reduce anxiety and stress in dogs. You and your pup can enjoy many activities together, like walking, playing fetch, tug-of-war, or running around the backyard.

Should my Dachshund sleep with me? ›

There are many perks to co-sleeping with your dog. And as long as your dog is old enough and doesn't have health or behavior issues, letting them sleep on your bed shouldn't be a problem.

What is the life expectancy of a Dachshund? ›

Doxies come in two sizes: standard or miniature, and three coat varieties: smooth, wirehaired, and longhaired. Dachshunds are protective and territorial, but they thrive on close human companionship. The Dachshund is a generally healthy breed with an average lifespan of 12-15 years.

Are 2 Dachshunds better than 1? ›

Don't buy a second Dachshund if you think it will solve any behavioural problems that your current Dachshund has. It may just make things worse. A paper published in 2020 concluded that aggressors were a mean of 16 months younger and 1.5 kg (3.3 lb) heavier than recipients.

Are Dachshunds better alone or in pairs? ›

Are two dachshunds better than one? - Quora. They think so! Most dogs enjoy having other dogs in the family, but dachshunds prefer other dachshunds. They may even be more barky as a pair, though.

How intelligent are Dachshunds? ›

How smart are dachshunds compared to the smartest dogs? Thanks to Coren's book, we know that dachshunds rank #92 on the list of smartest dog breeds and are considered to have an “average intelligence”.

Do Dachshunds have anger issues? ›

Dachshunds can get aggressive, especially when they are not socialised properly. They could develop this behavior which you might find troublesome, especially when you take your dog out in public.

Are Dachshunds on the aggressive breed list? ›

The number one aggressive breed out of the 33 dogs surveyed? The Dachshund. Yes – the wiener dog! The study found that “one in five dachshunds have bitten or tried to bite strangers, and a similar number have attacked other dogs; one in 12 have snapped at their owners.”

At what age do Dachshunds calm down? ›

The age at which Dachshunds calm down can vary, but in general, you can expect them to start calming down around 1 to 2 years of age. Like many other dog breeds, Dachshunds go through a puppy phase where they are energetic, curious, and may display a higher level of activity.

How do you know if a dachshund is stressed? ›

Stressed dogs, like stressed people, may have dilated pupils and blink rapidly. They may open their eyes really wide and show more sclera (white) than usual, giving them a startled appearance. Ears that are usually relaxed or alert are pinned back against the head. Changes in body posture.


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