Paleo Almond Flour Bread Recipe (Gluten Free) - Bake It Paleo (2024)

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This Paleo almond flour bread recipe is gluten free, dairy free and yeast free. It is made with grain free flours, eggs and yogurt for a soft, fluffy bread that's great any time of day. This unsweetened almond bread pairs well with sweet or savory toppings.

Paleo Almond Flour Bread Recipe (Gluten Free) - Bake It Paleo (1)

Everyone needs a good bread recipe right?

And not just good, but easy to make, neutral in flavor (so you can pair it with sweet or savory toppings) and healthy enough to eat any time of day.

Well my friends, THIS recipe is it! This paleo almond flour bread recipe is perfect for any occasion, has a wonderful, soft texture, holds up well when toasted and tastes great.

Why You'll Love this Paleo Almond Flour Bread Recipe

  • gluten free and paleo friendly - perfect for making paleo sandwiches
  • grain free - made with almond flour, tapioca flour and coconut flour
  • soft, fluffy and moist
  • neutral in flavor - pairs well with sweet or savory toppings
  • easy to make - a yeast free quick bread
  • made without psyllium husk

Being how simple (and delicious) this almond bread recipe is, there's no excuse not to make it!

Paleo Almond Flour Bread Recipe (Gluten Free) - Bake It Paleo (2)


This gluten free almond flour bread is made without psyllium husk and requires just a few simple ingredients. Here's a list of what you need:

Paleo Almond Flour Bread Recipe (Gluten Free) - Bake It Paleo (3)

Ingredient Substitutions

I've tested this loaf many times, but only using the ingredients listed. Meaning, for best results please use the recommended ingredients.

That being said, a few minor changes may be made. The tapioca flour may be substituted with arrowroot starch, as they have very similar baking properties.

In addition, grass-fed cow's milk yogurt may be used instead of almond milk yogurt. (I used Kite Hill plain, unsweetened yogurt.) Substituting with a coconut milk yogurt may work, but these yogurts are often thick so you may have to thin it out with some water.

Paleo Almond Flour Bread Recipe (Gluten Free) - Bake It Paleo (4)

How to Make Paleo Almond Flour Bread

To make this yeast free paleo bread, you'll need two mixing bowls, a whisk, a parchment lined 8" x 4" baking pan and the necessary ingredients.

First, preheat your oven to 350 degrees F.

Next, line an 8" x 4" baking pan with parchment paper and set aside.

In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients. Add the wet ingredients into the dry mixture and whisk until the batter reaches a smooth, consistent texture.

Pour the batter into the lined baking pan. Set the pan in the oven (middle rack) and bake at 350 degrees for 45-50 minutes. When the bread is done, it should be golden brown and firm.

Paleo Almond Flour Bread Recipe (Gluten Free) - Bake It Paleo (5)
Paleo Almond Flour Bread Recipe (Gluten Free) - Bake It Paleo (6)

Lastly, remove the bread from the oven and cool in the pan 5-10 minutes. Then transfer the loaf to a cooling rack and cool to room temperature.


This easy almond flour bread recipe is best stored in the fridge - it won't last at room temperature for very long. Keep this loaf in an air-tight container in the fridge up to one week.

For longer storage, slice the bread and place in the freezer. Toast or broil the bread in the oven when ready to eat.

Paleo Almond Flour Bread Recipe (Gluten Free) - Bake It Paleo (7)

Best Way to Eat Almond Flour Bread

This almond bread can be eaten many ways. Here are some ideas:

  • eat as-is: this loaf is soft and moist and tastes great on it's own
  • toast a slice and top with anything sweet or savory (butter, honey, jam, almond butter, cream cheese...)
  • make French toast
  • toast and eat with a bowl of soup
  • make paleo sandwiches
Paleo Almond Flour Bread Recipe (Gluten Free) - Bake It Paleo (8)

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you have gluten free bread on paleo?

Most store-bought gluten free breads are not paleo friendly. However, bread is acceptable on a paleo diet if it uses the right ingredients.

My almond flour bread recipe is paleo friendly, along with many other bread recipes on my blog.

Is Paleo bread good for you?

Paleo bread is much healthier than other breads because it uses real, whole food ingredients. Many other breads (specifically those purchased in-store) are made with refined wheat flour which is a gut irritant, gums, fillers, vegetable oils and refined sugar.

More Paleo Bread Recipes

If you like this recipe you may enjoy some of the other savory paleo bread recipes from my blog:

Paleo Almond Flour Bread Recipe (Gluten Free) - Bake It Paleo (10)

Rosemary Cassava Bread

Tigernut Flour Bread


Paleo Almond Flour Bread Recipe (Gluten Free) - Bake It Paleo (12)

Paleo Almond Flour Bread Recipe (Gluten Free)

★★★★★5 from 4 reviews

  • Author: Katie
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 45 minutes
  • Total Time: 55 minutes
  • Yield: 8" x 4" loaf 1x
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This Paleo almond flour bread recipe is soft, moist and easy to make. It can be sliced thin and pairs well with sweet or savory toppings.




  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Line an 8" x 4" baking pan with parchment paper and set aside.
  3. In a large bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients. This includes the almond flour, tapioca flour, coconut flour, baking soda and salt.
  4. Add the wet ingredients into the dry mixture. This includes the eggs, yogurt, apple cider vinegar and water. Whisk until smooth.
  5. Pour the batter into the lined baking pan. Place in the preheated oven and bake at 350 degrees F for 45-50 minutes.
  6. Cool 5-10 minutes in the baking pan, then remove the loaf and cool on a wire cooling rack to room temperature.
  7. Best stored in an air-tight contain in the fridge, up to one week.


*If you don't need this recipe to be dairy free, then a grass-fed cow's milk yogurt will work too.

Keywords: paleo bread recipe, almond flour bread, grain free bread, low carb bread, oil free, yeast free bread

Paleo Almond Flour Bread Recipe (Gluten Free) - Bake It Paleo (13)
Paleo Almond Flour Bread Recipe (Gluten Free) - Bake It Paleo (2024)


Is almond flour OK on Paleo? ›

Almond flour has a sweet flavor and rich buttery texture. It's high-fat, high-protein, and fantastic for gluten-free baking. It's also wonderful for grain-free paleo baking, and incredible when it comes to making cookies, cakes, scones, and muffins.

Is almond flour good for gluten-free baking? ›

Almond flour, sometimes called almond meal, is made from finely-ground almonds (with or without their skins), which are naturally gluten-free. Flour made with skin-on almonds will have a darker color and is suitable for rustic breads or baked goods that also have a dark color, such as chocolate desserts or gingerbread.

Will almond flour rise with baking powder? ›

Use Eggs as The Leavening Agent

Since baking powder contains baking soda, baking powder cannot be used in almond flour baking. Instead, eggs (or applesauce or bananas) can be used as the leavening agent to help baked goods rise and achieve a light and fluffy texture.

What bread can I eat on a Paleo diet? ›

These hidden nutrients are only released through the sprouted grain process, which is why Ezekiel bread is considered a good option to eat by many people following the Paleo diet.

What is the downside of almond flour? ›

Very High In Calories

On this note, almond flour is also very energy-dense. Per 100 grams, it contains 590 calories and more than 50 grams of fat (1). This energy content is very high compared to regular wheat flour, which has 360 calories per 100 grams (3).

What is a paleo substitute for almond flour? ›

Sunflower seed flour is a gluten-free flour that manufacturers make by grinding sunflower seeds into powder. Because it is nut-free, it may better suit those with nut allergies, as well as people following paleo and keto diets. Sunflower seeds are a good source of healthy fats and protein.

Is there a trick to baking with almond flour? ›

The Basic Baking Guidelines

Our chef prefers to add a little xanthan gum or cornstarch to the almond flour to help with the texture, though it is not entirely necessary to do so. Almond flour is pretty forgiving in that regard. Some use arrowroot powder to achieve a similar effect in their bread recipes.

Do I need to add xanthan gum to almond flour? ›

It is excellent for binding, structure-building, and elasticity for baked goods. In most cases, a little goes a long way. One-fourth teaspoon of xanthan gum is all that you need per one cup of almond flour.

How to replace all-purpose flour with almond flour? ›

Almond flour can be substituted for regular flour at a 1:1 ratio. It is important to note that almond flour may require more egg to bind the flour. Check out our almond flour recipe book here for more information on a specific recipe!

Why didn't my almond flour bread rise? ›

So, if you've ever made an almond flour recipe and had issues with the final product holding together, leaching out the oils or butter, or not rising properly and holding its shape, a likely culprit is that you are using the coarser almond meal, instead of almond flour.

How to make almond flour super fine for baking? ›

Add almonds to a high-speed blender and blend on high until a fine, powdery flour is achieved. We recommend turning the blender on the highest setting for 5-10 seconds. Then stop, shake the blender container, and hit the sides to shake loose any clumps that have formed on the sides.

Which is healthier, blanched or unblanched almond flour? ›

Blanched almond flour is lighter and is much better for creating pastries. Because the almonds are white in color (having had the skin removed), the ground up flour will not make a difference to the appearance of your dish. Blanched almond flour also carries the same nutritional benefits as unblanched almond flour.

What cheese is OK on paleo? ›

Dairy. A strict paleo diet does not allow dairy products because hunter-gatherers did not milk cows. This includes milk, butter, yogurt, sour cream and cheese.

What kind of butter can you have on paleo diet? ›

Is butter allowed on Paleo diet? Yes, it is if we count on ghee-clarified butter. However, ghee is the best paleo butter. It is called clarified butter for its refined content, and ghee clarified butter is a paleo diet plan-approved dairy.

Is Dave's Killer bread paleo friendly? ›

This product contains 14 ingredients that are not paleo and 1 ingredient that may not be paleo. Which diet do you follow? Follow more than one?

What flour can you eat on a paleo diet? ›

Popular (and delicious) paleo substitutes for wheat flour include almond flour, coconut flour and cassava flour.

Is almond flour OK for anti inflammatory diet? ›

Anti-Inflammatory Foods:

Whole grain and nut flours: whole grain flours, almond flour, coconut flour, chickpea flour, quinoa flour. Full-fat coconut milk, unsweetened almond milk, hemp milk. Beans and legumes. Honey or pure maple syrup.

What can I use instead of wheat flour on Paleo? ›

In addition to almond and coconut flours, you can find cassava flour, arrowroot starch, and tapioca starch, to name a few. The best part is that with Thrive Market you can conveniently order each of these online and have them shipped to you.

What is a paleo alternative to rice flour? ›

Almond flour is a great alternative to rice flour that also has the benefit of being grain-free and paleo-friendly. I find it has a similar texture to rice flour, so almond flour can be used in many of the same ways.


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Author: Manual Maggio

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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.